
USB Link Adapter

The USB Link Adapter is specially designed to work with Windows Easy Transfer, a new feature on the most recent Windows® 7 or Windows® 8 operation system. It is a USB 2.0 host-to-host link adapter allowing you migration files and settings from an existing computer with default WET(Windows Easy Transfer) to another new computer with default WET software. No additional driver and software are required when plug the Link Adapter.

With the adapter in conjunction with Windows Easy Transfer, users can transfer user accounts, files and program settings directly from one PC to another without having to transfer the files to intermediary data storage. For those who need bulk data backup/restore, synchronization or file sharing, it’s an ideal transferring solution. It also can work with another PCLinq3 utility to make two-way data transfer.


Works with Windows Easy Transfer.

No additional driver and software required on Windows® 7/ Windows® 8*.

Easy file sharing and data transfer between two PCs via USB port.

Full compliance with USB Specification Version 2.0 and 1.1.

Supports data transfer rate of up to 480 Mbps.

Supports suspend and resume power management features.

Supports two-way data transfer.

Bus powered from either USB port.

Supports Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® Vista SP1 and Windows® XP SP2.

I/O 連接埠



USB Upstream:

1x USB-A 2.0 (Male)

USB Downstream:

1x USB-A 2.0 (Male)

Data Transfer Rate:

Up to 480Mbps

Power Mode:


Power Consumption:

DC +5.0V from USB port directly
Suspend mode current: <500uA
Active mode current: <500uA

Tethered Cable:

3 feet/each way






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