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Sustainable Supply Chain

Declaration of Minerals Conflict-Free

Conflict Minerals Policy

Good Way, as a key member of the global electronics industry supply chain and in fulfilling its role as a responsible corporate citizen, is committed not only to actively investing in product development and technological advancement but also to fully respecting human rights in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Good Way continues to pay close attention to conflict minerals issues and is dedicated to thoroughly investigating its supply chain to ensure that metals such as tin (Sn), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), and gold (Au) are not sourced from mines controlled by armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its neighboring countries. Therefore, Good Way has established the following policy and is committed to the following:

Good Way will not procure or use gold (Au), tin (Sn), tantalum (Ta), and tungsten (W) sourced from mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its surrounding countries.

Good Way is committed to conducting due diligence to ensure that the use of gold (Au), tin (Sn), tantalum (Ta), and tungsten (W) metals complies with the "conflict-free minerals" commitment.

Suppliers are required to refuse the use of conflict minerals from conflict areas and provide a written commitment to this effect.

We will fully disclose the list of smelters and mines we and our supply chain work with, to avoid using conflict minerals in our products. Additionally, suppliers are required to communicate this requirement to their upstream suppliers.

Conflict Minerals Management

To achieve responsible and sustainable procurement, Good Way has formulated a conflict minerals policy and a responsible mineral procurement management process. The company commits to ensuring that the minerals used by Good Way are sourced in compliance with the standards set by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) guidelines for supply chain due diligence for minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas or an equivalent recognized due diligence framework. Good Way conducts due diligence and ensures procurement through smelters or refiners that have been audited and certified by third parties to identify those that can be verified as having responsible mineral procurement systems that meet current global standards, prohibiting the use of conflict minerals from high-risk areas. Good Way provides a conflict minerals reporting template to assist the company in disclosing and communicating the smelters within its supply chain.

Conflict Minerals Investigation Management Process

We follow the investigation results of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) to avoid inadvertently acquiring metals that originate from conflict minerals. We explicitly require ourselves and our suppliers to establish policies that reasonably ensure that the gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), tin (Sn), cobalt (Co), and mica contained in their manufactured products are sourced and have a traceable chain of custody that is in accordance with the OECD Guidelines or has excluded minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) as defined by similarly recognized organizations. Good Way annually reassesses the list of smelters/refiners currently used in Good Way products based on the Conformant Smelters List published on the RBA official website.

Additionally, Good Way conducts conflict minerals investigations and record tracking through supplier questionnaires and audits. Furthermore, Good Way fully implements due diligence to understand the sources of minerals from its suppliers using the RMI Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT) as investigation tools, requiring suppliers to disclose mineral sources and sign declarations of non-use of conflict minerals, adhering to the policy of non-use of conflict minerals. Good Way also manages further to ensure that the suppliers’ procurement sources do not originate from conflict areas and high-risk areas and comply with customer and regulatory requirements. The above investigation methods are all in accordance with the conflict minerals management process defined by Good Way, as outlined below.

During the process, Good Way will confirm with suppliers the reasons and necessity for their use of conflict minerals and will require suppliers to stop purchasing and using conflict minerals and to select new sources of minerals, providing valid evidence that the new minerals are conflict-free and comply with RBA requirements. If necessary, suppliers will be required to propose removal plans or improvement measures.

Good Way Suppliers Involved in Conflict Minerals Investigation Achieve a 100% Pass Rate

  • The mineral raw materials of tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold used by Good Way are sourced from a total of 157 smelters across 52 countries, all of which are 100% recognized by RMI and have no sources from non-governmental or illegal military-controlled areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo or neighboring countries.
  • Since 2022, Good Way has conducted due diligence on the sources of cobalt and mica raw materials used by suppliers in response to the RMI’s Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT), and once they are officially classified as conflict minerals, the company will disclose relevant information in detail.
  • In the future, Good Way will continue to require suppliers to procure non-conflict raw materials, supporting human rights and sustainable business practices by avoiding the use of conflict minerals that may originate from areas associated with severe human rights violations, illegal trade, and funding of violence.
Investigation Item RMI-3TG Compliance
Mineral Name Tin Tungsten Tantalum Gold
Number of Smelters 29 37 25 66
Number of Smelting Countries 14 6 10 22
Total Number of Smelters 157
Number of Compliant 157
Compliance Rate 100%


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